A Women's Place and Resource Center strives to be a community resource. We host and participate in a number of events and activities in Deforest and the Greater Madison Area.

Donate to Purse With a Purpose
Encouraging women through the donation of a purse filled with love, encouragement and hope!
Donate the following items:
• New or gently used purse
• Care kit items to fit in the purses
• Small bottles of lotion
• Small body wash or bar soaps
• Toothbrush/toothpaste
• Lip balm
• Various small items
• Blank cards with envelopes
Monetary donations are also appreciated and welcomed.

Purse With a Purpose
The "Purse With a Purpose" program allows for the WPRC to donate purses filled with a variety of items to other nonprofits or individuals working with women. The goal is to encourage these women who are working to overcome the challenges life has thrown at them. The hope is every woman who receives a filled purse with a personal handwritten card from Dr. Tay feels loved, valued and encouraged. The message we aim so send with each purse is "We see you and You matter"!

Dane County Community Purse Giving Circle
Community Purse is a women’s giving circle that has chapters in IL and Jefferson and Dane County, WI. During our meetings, we listen to presentations from 3 member-nominated charities and then vote on one beneficiary for our donations ($100 dollars from each member). Our meetings connect like-hearted women and inform them of the needs of our neighbors in Dane County. We look forward to hearing more about The Women's Place and Resource Center!